Thank you Jodie - When I spiritually awoke in 2018, I wanted to save the help, heal, save every soul that came my way and I did it to the best of my ability and capability...but, it also brought the demons, users, abusers, fakers, scammers, energy takers....I learnt the hard way....I am more cautious and wiser now and know that everyone is following their soul contract and are ultimately, responsible for their path...I can only do so much and need to make sure my cup is never empty.....
Jodie - Can you ask the Angels regarding what they see as the way forward for new ways of making and exchanging money/wealth, removing the rich man/poor man divide....the idea that came to my mind was 'Ethical Abundance'? I would love for you to post your response in my Heart Revolution Publication and I will add my post to this discussion too...much love & light, Filza.